Now let me answer the usual two questions at the end of each trip: Did I like this trip? Yes, I did! For me, after major surgery and a 6 week reconvalescence this trip has been ideal. The terrain was easy. No steep ascents or descents. I came across a supermarket almost every day which meant a very low pack weight. Navigation was relatively straight forward. Only where the E1 is not part of a another major trail the trail marking was less than perfect. Also I had enjoyed the most perfect summer weather!
But would I recommend it to a friend? Probably not! Why not? The biggest drawback is the high percentage of walking on pavement. The part from Koblenz to Hamburg was still tolerable, but after that the route was more than 50% on concrete. The North of Germany is much more suitable for biking than for hiking. Also the scenery is nothing to write home about. It is flat. All you see most of the time is fields. In bad weather this must be miserable! Although parts of the trail like the Rothaarsteig and the Heidschnuckenweg were really nice, on average this trail was rather an average trail. There is much better long-distance hiking in Germany.

E1 through Germany: Conclusion